Adult Groups

This is a traditional Sunday School Class. Most of the participants are older adults, but everyone is welcome. The class currently uses the Adult Sunday School series from Cokesbury. The lessons are primarily didactic presentations by class members, with time available for discussion. For additional fellowship, social events are planned through the year, the the class often takes a collection to support local ministries such as Miram’s Promise. Contact John Jackson with any questions.
Spiritual Journeys

This progressive discussion group meets on Sundays, but is not a traditional Sunday School Class. Everyone is welcome to share their ideas and thoughts. They often read books together and talk about them as a way of understanding how we are in this Christian life together. Past books have included The Gospel Discipleship, Falling Upward, and Twelve Steps to a More Compassionate Life. Contact Joe T. Hensley with any questions.
Table Talk
Tuesday Table Talk (TTT) encourages conversation about life’s deeper questions in an atmosphere of camaraderie, acceptance, and appreciation for differing views. Currently meeting on Zoom.
This group meets on Tuesday evenings on Zoom.
Children and Youth

We value children of all ages for their energy, questions, creativity, and love.