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Who We Are

We believe that Jesus’ message of unconditional love means that every human being is a child of God and is worthy of love, respect, and inclusion.  We welcome everyone into the full life and ministry of our community.  We celebrate people of every race, ethnicity, culture, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, faith history, physical or mental ability, education, political perspective, and socioeconomic and housing circumstance.  We stand against discrimination and exclusion.  We worship and serve with all people through love, acceptance, and reconciliation in every part of our lives together.

Blakemore is a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network.

As a forgiven and reconciled people in God’s Grace, we value…

You, just the way you are.

Children of all ages for their energy, questions, creativity, and love.

Conversations grounded in both commonality and diversity because all relationships encourage us to live more, love more, and be more with one another.

Our Neighbors from West End to the four corners of the world.

Grace as forgiven and reconciled people.
