What Should I Expect?
Whether it’s your first time at church, your first time in a long time, or you attend every week, we want you to feel at home at Blakemore.
What is the worship experience like?
Our gathering is a traditional service that contains communal responses and prayers alongside hymns and we share in the celebration of holy communion weekly. All of our responsive readings and hymn lyrics are on screens at the front of the church.
In our United Methodist tradition, everyone is welcome to the communion table. You don’t have to be a certain age, or a member of the church, or be anything but present in our midst to share in the bread and the cup. Everyone is welcome.

How should I dress?
We want you to dress in what makes you comfortable. Folks come to Blakemore wearing everything from jeans to suits. Most folks tend towards business casual, but remember, we value you for who you are, not what you wear.
What Will My Kids Do?
We invite you and your child/ren to join us in worship. We have a cart of materials for anyone of any age who needs something to do with their hands to be more present for worship. It includes small quiet toys, coloring materials, and books for all ages. After church, we have Mugs and Hugs, where we gather in our Fellowship Hall and have drinks and light snacks and spend time together. We have regular inter-generational activities where we come together in joy, conversation, and laughter.
Where to Find Us
We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:45am, both in our Sanctuary and on Zoom (See here for more details!) We are located at 3601 West End Ave, Nashville TN 37205, just west of I-440, across Bowling Ave from Elmington Park. We keep the door on the Bowling Ave locked to help keep our building secure, but there are folks around who can help you get in. The doors on the West End Ave side of the building are open before worship, and once worship starts, we have a volunteer watching for folks who need to be let in.